I am a gamer/ computer enthusiast. I live with my girlfriend and I study economics through the University of Texas at Arlington. She is very artistic and studies Graphic Design at TCU. We each have our own battlestations for those days when studies dont have to be priority #1. We try to upgrade our pc's annually to keep up-to-date.
Microsoft: Xbox One a Justifiable Business Expense
Oddly enough, they might have a point.
In an odd turn of events, the folks over at Microsoft are trying to market the Xbox One as a useful tool for small businesses. Microsoft released a letter on the 9th from Marques Lyons, Microsoft’s Director of Consumer Camp and Xbox Read More…
You read correctly, it was reported a day ago that there will be a new game franchise for the Nintendo.
After decades we’ve become familiar with Nintendo and their ability to milk a game franchise until it runs dry, turns brittle, and eventually crumbles into something that vaguely resembles the original. Nintendo Read More…
Warning: Delidding your CPU will void your warranty.
The modifications in the following article were performed by experienced individuals that acknowledge they were voiding their warranties by delidding. Accordingly, ModCrash.com and the ModCrash team must insist that no one attempt to recreate the modification explained below unless you understand the risk you assume. By reading past this warning you are Read More…
It won’t be the case for all titles, but apparently Watch Dogs will be best when played on an Xbox One. Why is that you ask?
At this time, we already know that both the Xbox One and the Playstation 4 will support cloud computing. After people were so impressed with Read More…
I have been waiting patiently for two years now to see if Razer would ever deliver a real product from the “Razer Switchblade” concept. [Spoiler, more pics are on page 2]
A couple of years back, gaming peripherals brand Razer was working on a portable gaming machine, the Razer Switchblade, designed with a key feature that would Read More…
Nvidia SHIELD units were supposed to go on sale today (June 27).
For those of you who were excited by the prospect of streaming games from your Kepler (or better) graphics cards, I’m sad to tell you that you will not be able to do that just yet. Sometime in July is pretty Read More…