My passion for computers and gaming started at an early age. I had my first computer in the 6th grade, and spent hours finding out how to break it, just so I could fix it again. By the time I graduated High School I had already received my CompTia A+ certification and had built many custom rigs. Weeks after completing High School, I entered the military as a Biomedical Equipment Technician. With that came much more complex and challenging systems that only expanded on my desire to learn more. Since finishing my enlistment I've turned my focus back to my passion of computer hardware, and hope to continue on that path until the day I die.

Elder Scrolls Online Leaked 20 Minute Gameplay Video (Live link – Updated 4/17/2013)

Elder Scrolls Online Leaked 20 Minute Gameplay Video

Search for Elder Scrolls Online Leaked, and you’ll find an abundance of dead video links.  However, if you’re like me and jumped to YouTube the second you saw a link for Elder Scrolls Online Leaked, you already by now that all videos there have also been removed.  I spent some
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