Riad Kilani - Founder of ModCrash, and CEO. Also known as f1ss1on, a hardcore pc gamer, pc modder, and hardware fanatic. I am also a Senior Front End Developer living on the edge of web technologies.
Catch me streaming on Twitch as MrF1ss1on
As you all have seen, I have put many posts up that ModCrash would come back and it never has. The reason for this is due to the accident that happened in 2014 and everything that followed. I was also rear-ended in 2018 which only made things worse. My right arm is getting hard to Read More…
Since ModCrash was put on hold, the site hasn’t had much visual updates. Knowing this, we will be putting out updates regularly giving the site a fresh, cleaner look. Navigation, content display and responsive design are going to be key focuses to begin with. Since I am doing this on my own for now, it Read More…
With f1ss1on unable to do builds anymore do to my disabilities from the accident and surgeries, I have been live streaming on Twitch. I’ve been streaming gaming, Warzone mostly, but have figured I should also stick to my passion that I went to Read More…
On 6-29-2019 at 3 pm est BoomTV ran a tournament for Call of Duty players with a $40,000 prize pool. From the start of the tournament, some competitor kills were not getting counted. This was a widespread issue that even caused BoomTVs services to go down. It took a while to fix but BoomTV finally Read More…
Hey guys, f1ss1on here announcing our Blue Yeti Microphone Giveaway for April 2019. All you have to do to be eligibleĀ for the Blue Yeti Microphone Giveaway is follow f1ss1on on Twitter, Twitch, Instagram, retweet on Twitter and comment here why you want to win!
With Fortnite being one of the best games out there it’s no surprise that Epic Games makes a killing with in-game purchases. Over $300 million a day from what I last read to be exact. It’s also no surprise that kids have used their parent’s credit cards without permission to get some of those must-have Read More…
With streaming as popular as it is today, people are moving to a dual PC setup to get the most out of streaming. One of the challenges that come with this is the audio. Audio, in general, is a very tricky technology for even some of the most versed people in the field. While there Read More…