I am a lifelong gamer and computer nerd and love learning as much as I can about technology. When I'm not gaming or stuffing new information into my brain, you can usually find me spending time with my fiance and/or dogs, reading, making a lame attempt at being crafty, or playing music.
We’re almost done with March, and that means another roundup of the best free PC games! With so many fantastic games coming out, it’s tough to choose where your hard earned cash will go. Luckily, these are all ready to be downloaded to your lonely hard drive for the low, low price of free so Read More…
Valve has been slowly but surely revealing details of its Steam Machines, SteamOS, and Steam Controller. Originally, the Steam Controller prototype showed a touchscreen featured at the center and can still be seen as such on the Steam Controller website. However, new designs show that Valve looks to be forgoing the touchscreen Read More…
It looks like we’ll be seeing more and more of our favorite penguin soon. Linux users have long been championing for its widespread support in the gaming world, and Valve isn’t the only big company working to make it a reality. Independent game company Crytek is joining the pack: the masterminds behind Read More…
My beta invitation came, the client was downloaded, and my first hands-on experience with the Elder Scrolls Online began on February 28th. I decided that I would be focusing on technical details and aspects of the actual game itself, not the narrative. So for anyone who wants details about the story, Read More…
SanDisk recently became the proprietors of the world’s largest microSD card to date, the 128 GB SanDisk Ultra. Considering that 10 years ago when the microSD format was introduced the max was 128 MB, that’s a pretty big jump. This card should be a winner for those constantly running out of storage room on their Read More…
Is it any coincidence that on March 11, the same day Titanfall comes to the Xbox One, the Twitch TV game streaming app will also go live? Twitch is currently the world’s largest video platform and community for gamers with 45 million visitors per month, and Titanfall is Read More…
Valentine’s Day is over, and all your money has been spent on candy and flowers and diamonds (oh my!). Give your wallet some breathing room while still keeping yourself entertained with ModCrash’s roundup of the best free PC games for the month of February.