Heard of SSDs? Been looking to buy one but haven’t figured out what is the best overall or the best for the price? Well we are going to go over all the major topics when it comes choosing the right SSD for you in the ModCrash SSD Buyers Guide!
Guides and How To’s for buying PC parts, overclocking, modding, cooling and more.
If you are like many others out there that are looking to
build a gaming PC but just don’t know what parts to get,
ModCrash is going to help you out. We pick the best parts for
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If you are like many others out there that are looking to build a gaming PC but just don’t know what parts to get, ModCrash is going to help you out. We pick the best parts for you to get started on building your new rig while we save you time and money.
Click a case
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How to Secure Erase an SSD using Parted Magic Software
A couple years ago I bought my first set of SSDs, two Mushkin Chronos 120 GB SSDs, and raided them together and so I started my learning curve with how much SSD helps run a PC faster than conventional HDDs. After building my system and everything working great
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How to update your BIOS on the MSI FM2-A85XMA-E35
Did you get the MSI FM2-A85XMA-E35 and like me without thinking, updated using the MSI Live updater? Well, you’ve probably found yourself with a screen that says something like “BIOS not valid, please update to A Richland supported BIOS, press F1 for setup.” I’m here to tell
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Warning: Delidding your CPU will void your warranty.
The modifications in the following article were performed by experienced individuals that acknowledge they were voiding their warranties by delidding. Accordingly, ModCrash.com and the ModCrash team must insist that no one attempt to recreate the modification explained below unless you understand the risk you assume. By reading past this warning you are
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Gaming Mouse Buyers Guide
There comes a time where you need to upgrade from the first mouse you ever received to a true gaming mouse. It’s a tricky process can that quickly lead to disappointment like most of us have expereinced. If you go out and pick a mouse simply because you like the looks or
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