AMD Radeon Software 19.2.3 Is Available

AMD Adrenaline

AMD has released its Radeon Software 19.2.3 hot on the heels of Nvidia releasing their new GeForce Driver. Radeon Software 19.2.3 offers support for a wide array of different graphics cards. You’ll even be able to use this new driver on Ryzen mobile platforms. Here’s a list of everything that’s supported with the new driver
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Nvidia GeForce Driver 418.91 Out Now

Nvidia 15% Performance Increase from new 310.33 beta drivers

Nvidia has just released the Nvidia GeForce Driver 418.91. Nvidia GeForce Driver 418.91 comes after just a little over a week after the previous one. New drivers seem to be coming out quite frequently from Nvidia and AMD. As usual, Nvidia didn’t get all the bugs with the new driver. The Nvidia GeForce Driver 418.91
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