15% Performance gains from new Geforce Beta Drivers (310.33)

Nvidia 15% Performance Increase from new 310.33 beta drivers

There’s an article over on geforce.com claiming that the latest nVidia drivers (310.33 Beta) are giving some pretty ridiculous performance gains!  Can’t wait to try these out for myself.

Featuring GTX 600 Series performance improvements of up to 15%, the new GeForce 310.33 beta drivers are a recommended download for all Kepler users. In
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Announcement! ModCrash 20 Player Medal of Honor: Warfighter and Ventrillo servers are now up and running!

ModCrash Gaming Announces new Medal of Honor 20 player gaming server



Hi Guys! I’ve got some great news. We just got word from Gameservers.com that our new 20 player Medal of Honor: Warfighter server is up and running! Look for it in the server browser under

modcrash.clanservers.com (

Ventrillo Information: vent31.gameservers.com:4620

Both f1ss1on and Omning will be playing
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Enermax announces new White Ostrog Mid-Tower with Window, and it looks pretty sweet.

Enermax Ostrog White with Window

The guys over at Hardware.info picked up some information that I though was pretty awesome, Enermax announcing a new White version of their popular Ostrog mid-tower, with Window!  The current black version sells for 49.99

No word on official pricing for the white version, but it shouldn’t be much more then that!  I can see
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